The Photographer

I don't pride myself on my photography skills. In fact, when Anurag and Senti get started on one of their all-too-frequent photography discussions, I feel embarrased to know I have an SLR too, but can't differentiate between a Kodak BW400CN and a Konica VX 100. Senti used to borrow one of my zoom lenses till the point it was more his than mine, and then he bought one for himself and returned mine.

I had hardly noticed its absence.

One day, I realized that a roll of film had been lying in my camera for close to a year, and thus jumped at Senti's call inviting me to go photographing in the countryside. We rode our bikes beyond Sus on the Pashan-Sus road. Senti firmly resisted my entreaties to go climb a nearby hill, and settled down to do some macro photography. Here he is, contemplating the scenery, and wondering if it wouldn't look better at f4.5 with a slight bit of overexposure.

Thank you, Sentiman! We shall go on more such trips in future... and next time, we shall also climb a hill.


  1. Nice shot! You should shoot more, since you have some good equipment at your disposal.

  2. Hoy! I returned your telephoto lens and later bought myself a lens. Much later.
    And nice shot, this. I was actually cursing myself for coming there a little late, when the sun had set.

  3. Thank you, all!

    Anurag: I seem to have gone back into my slumber, after that one frenzied clickathon.

    Senthil: I cursed too, since if we were early, the hill would've been an option...

    Brewtus: Awaiting some new brew, man!


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